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Maycember & Ordinary Lovely Things for You
How's your Maycember going? May is more than ever like December now, minus the cookies. Here's what's good around here.
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What I Wish I Knew at Graduation: 5 Good Thoughts
What would older you share with 18-year-old you? Here are five good thoughts on what I wish I knew at graduation.
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The Greatest Mom Quality of All Time
My mom was a vixen. But beyond her beauty and cooking skills like Julia Child, was a better quality. Here's her story of listening well.
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Good Things I've Been Reading (and Cooking) Lately
April was a quirky sort of month. I've decided to follow suit with my reading and cooking. Here's what I've been into this month.
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The Joy of Saying Yes & April Ordinary Lovely Things
Sharing what's ordinary and lovely for my April. Hoping it inspires you to take note of what is ordinary and lovely for you too.
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25 Renewing Spring Things
Spring invites us to come out and play. With all things blooming, here are a few simple ideas to renew your heart this season.
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March Ordinary Lovely Things for You
Sharing what's ordinary and lovely for my March. Hoping it inspires you to take note of what is ordinary and lovely for you too.
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A Few Kind Reminders About Rest
Rest is something I know is good for me, but I'm not good at practicing. Here are a few gentle reminders to encourage more restful living.
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My February Ordinary Lovely Things
Sharing what's ordinary and lovely for my February. Hoping it inspires you to take note of what is ordinary and lovely for you too.
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My Amateur Marriage Advice
It's love week and to celebrate I'm sharing three amateur thoughts about marriage. Not as an expert, but simple truths that always sustain.
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Three Ideas to Make Mondays a Smidge Easier
My friend Barbara loves Mondays. So much she calls them "Mon-Yays." Wherever you land, here are three ideas to love Mondays a smidge more.
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50 Cheery Winter Things
What's cheering you on? I decided to make a list of all the life-giving winter things to remind myself of what's good no matter the season.
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My January Ordinary Lovely Things
What's to love about January? Turns out there are quite a few ordinary lovely things.
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Merry Christmas vs. Happy Christmas vs. Cheers to All
Wrapping up the year with a post on Merry vs. Happy Christmas and all the ways you celebrate. Plus my dad's Puerto Rican Egg Nog recipe.
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What Are Your December Ordinary Lovely Things?
Singer Carly Simon famously said, "These are the good ole days." What if that's true? Here's an invitation to celebrate the ordinary things.
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All My Thanksgiving Favorites
A lovely feast of my favorite stories and treats for all things Thanksgiving.
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How Do You Practice True Thanksgiving?
This week I came across this question: "How do you practice true Thanksgiving?" Here's my answer, but it's a good one to ask yourself too.
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Two Words You Can Use To Offer Light
Sharing the words, "come over" is a sweet opportunity to connect. Here's a favorite story about the impact of these two little words.
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How to Ask for What You Need
Sometimes it's easy to ask for what you need when it's simple stuff. Matters of the heart are a harder ask. Here's my story.
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Remember This When You Want to Quit
Do you ever feel like quitting? Me too. This was my "quitting day" story and the best advice for what I did next.
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