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5 Simple Ways to Make Your Meals Memorable
How can you turn the ordinary "what's for dinner?" into something a bit extra? Here are a few easy ideas to try around your table.
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Effortless Summer Dishes I've Been Cooking Lately
Summer is the season of effortless cooking. Here are a few things I've loved sharing this summer that are as simple as they are effortless.
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12 Well-Loved Springtime Recipes
Spring makes me long for all things new, especially what I put on my plate. Here are 12 well-loved spring recipes for spring-spiration.
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March Good Things I'm Reading (and Cooking) Lately
March makes me long for all the springy things - including fresh books and bright recipes. Here's what I've been into this month.
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The Only Fall Dessert Recipe You Need
My mom never made desserts, except for one. The legend of the Apple Brown Betty lives on as the perfect and only fall dessert in my heart.
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My Summer's End Picnic Menu
What's on your summer's end picnic menu? Food eaten in the outdoors with the people you love takes on next level greatness. Here's my menu.
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The Summer I Learned the Art of Canning
I always wanted to learn how to can. Pretty jars of fruit and vegetables sounded dreamy. Here's my story of the summer I learned to can.
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Why I Love Picnics and Why You Should Too
My dad loved a good "trunk picnic" - here's a sweet story and invitation to adopt a "picnic attitude" for life.
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What I’m (Still) Learning from Eating Mostly Plants
Its been two years since my husband and I challenged each other to eat mostly plants. Here's what we have learned so far on the journey.
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The Year My 11-Year-Old Cooked Thanksgiving
Yes 11-year-olds can absolutely cook the Thanksgiving feast. Here's my Hell's Kitchen moment, saved by a spunky kid willing to step up.
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My Father's Rice and Beans
Rice and beans meant home to my dad. Here's my story of how home is where you decide to make it.
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What's Your Idea of a Beautiful Feast?
Recently I was overwhelmed by a lavish feast in the mountains. It. reminded me how God wants to bless us, but we have to be ready.
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Feast - 10 Ideas on Ordinary Feasting
November is the perfect month to consider how we gather around the table. Here are 10 simple ideas for everyday feasting.
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What is Your Greatest Meal Memory?
My greatest meal memories remind me that food doesn’t need to be fancy or elaborate to impress.
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