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A Little Bit of Social Fun
5 Simple Ways to Make Your Meals Memorable
How can you turn the ordinary "what's for dinner?" into something a bit extra? Here are a few easy ideas to try around your table.
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A Sweet Little Christmas Story for You
What does it look like to live out Emmanuel, God with us? Here's a sweet story of a Mary that showed me how to live this out with her life.
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A Few Kind Reminders for Your Heart at Christmas
Ever feel like the holidays are too much? Me too. Here are some kind reminders that I created for my heart in hopes they encourage you too.
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All Things Advent for You
How do you Advent? Here is a collection of all my favorite Advent goodies, along with a few new resources I'm enjoying this season.
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One Simple Prayer for Thanksgiving
When I can't quiet my heart, I allow the words of others to be my calming prayer. Here is a favorite to turn to in the busy seasons.
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14 Encouraging Practices For You
As we head into the holidays, here are 14 encouraging practices. We all need reminding of good things, starting within each of us.
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Your Invitation to Calm in the 23rd Psalm
When I can't sleep, I think of Psalm 23. As we head into the season ahead, here's your invitation to discover it's renewing calm once again.
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How to Be the Light Wherever You Are
My heart is longing for light right now. As I share this, I'm reminding myself that we can always share the light right where we are.
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5 Calming & Comforting Fall Practices for You
Fall is a great time to turn over a new leaf of something good. Here are five ideas I'm sharing in hopes they encourage you to do the same.
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My Sweetest Back to School Encouragement for You
No one in my home is heading back to school this season. But here are a few sweet words for parents as they prepare for the year ahead.
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5 Ways to Flourish This Summer (Despite the Chaos)
What seasonal rhythms will you embrace this summer? Here are five ideas to flourish this summer (even if your summer feels like chaos.)
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3 Thoughts on Combatting an Ordinary Life
I love adventure. But I'm not always good at it. Here are three ideas I'm working on to invite more adventure into my daily life.
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What I Wish I Knew at Graduation: 5 Good Thoughts
What would older you share with 18-year-old you? Here are five good thoughts on what I wish I knew at graduation.
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The Greatest Mom Quality of All Time
My mom was a vixen. But beyond her beauty and cooking skills like Julia Child, was a better quality. Here's her story of listening well.
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Good Things I've Been Reading (and Cooking) Lately
April was a quirky sort of month. I've decided to follow suit with my reading and cooking. Here's what I've been into this month.
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The Joy of Saying Yes & April Ordinary Lovely Things
Sharing what's ordinary and lovely for my April. Hoping it inspires you to take note of what is ordinary and lovely for you too.
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25 Renewing Spring Things
Spring invites us to come out and play. With all things blooming, here are a few simple ideas to renew your heart this season.
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March Good Things I'm Reading (and Cooking) Lately
March makes me long for all the springy things - including fresh books and bright recipes. Here's what I've been into this month.
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My February Ordinary Lovely Things
Sharing what's ordinary and lovely for my February. Hoping it inspires you to take note of what is ordinary and lovely for you too.
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Three Ideas to Make Mondays a Smidge Easier
My friend Barbara loves Mondays. So much she calls them "Mon-Yays." Wherever you land, here are three ideas to love Mondays a smidge more.
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