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Subscribe for the Good Stuff
Subscribe for encouraging ideas, fun resources, and other good stuff weekly.
A Few Kind Reminders About Rest
Rest is something I know is good for me, but I'm not good at practicing. Here are a few gentle reminders to encourage more restful living.
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My February Ordinary Lovely Things
Sharing what's ordinary and lovely for my February. Hoping it inspires you to take note of what is ordinary and lovely for you too.
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Three Ideas to Make Mondays a Smidge Easier
My friend Barbara loves Mondays. So much she calls them "Mon-Yays." Wherever you land, here are three ideas to love Mondays a smidge more.
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50 Cheery Winter Things
What's cheering you on? I decided to make a list of all the life-giving winter things to remind myself of what's good no matter the season.
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Good Things I've Been Reading (and Cooking) Lately
Winter is meant for puttering - a little of this and that. Especially perusing a few good books - here are my winter favs.
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What Are Your December Ordinary Lovely Things?
Singer Carly Simon famously said, "These are the good ole days." What if that's true? Here's an invitation to celebrate the ordinary things.
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All My Thanksgiving Favorites
A lovely feast of my favorite stories and treats for all things Thanksgiving.
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How Do You Practice True Thanksgiving?
This week I came across this question: "How do you practice true Thanksgiving?" Here's my answer, but it's a good one to ask yourself too.
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How to Ask for What You Need
Sometimes it's easy to ask for what you need when it's simple stuff. Matters of the heart are a harder ask. Here's my story.
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Remember This When You Want to Quit
Do you ever feel like quitting? Me too. This was my "quitting day" story and the best advice for what I did next.
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What Do You Do For No Good Reason?
What do you do for no good reason? Here's the story of my mother's massive cookbook collection and why I couldn't bear to part with it.
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Three Things I'm Doing for the Last Back to School
This week marks the last fall back to school for me. Here are three things I'm doing to honor the milestone it is.
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My Summer Highlights (So Far)
What are your summer highlights so far? If the season is going too fast, now's the perfect time to pause and celebrate the goodness.
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Do This When You Need to Be Reminded of Good Things
We all struggle. But how do you stay reminded of the good things in your life? Here's how I stay focused on the good stuff in life.
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How to Answer the Question, "What's Your Story?"
Recently someone asked me, "what's your story?" I wanted to give a surface answer, but sharing in a deeper way invited a real connection.
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A Note to Your Summer Self
What words do you need to hear this summer season? For inspiration, here's my story about my summer note tradition.
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An Invitation to Listen to the Soundtrack of Your Life
Sometimes inspiration comes out of nowhere. Here's an invitation to tune in to the soundtrack of your life to remember your best self.
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What I Learned from Studying Romans for a Year
I didn't mean to spend a year in Romans. But after finishing an 8-week study, I couldn't tell you anything I learned. So I stayed for more.
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How to Be the Most Interesting Woman in the Room
What makes your heart shine? Here's a personal invitation to shine more and become the most interesting woman in the room today.
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5 Good Things for Easter Week
It's Easter Week! Here are five good things I'm grateful for and enjoying this week.
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