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My January Ordinary Lovely Things
What's to love about January? Turns out there are quite a few ordinary lovely things.
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All My Thanksgiving Favorites
A lovely feast of my favorite stories and treats for all things Thanksgiving.
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How to Ask for What You Need
Sometimes it's easy to ask for what you need when it's simple stuff. Matters of the heart are a harder ask. Here's my story.
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Remember This When You Want to Quit
Do you ever feel like quitting? Me too. This was my "quitting day" story and the best advice for what I did next.
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Three Things I'm Doing for the Last Back to School
This week marks the last fall back to school for me. Here are three things I'm doing to honor the milestone it is.
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An Invitation to Listen to the Soundtrack of Your Life
Sometimes inspiration comes out of nowhere. Here's an invitation to tune in to the soundtrack of your life to remember your best self.
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What I Learned from Studying Romans for a Year
I didn't mean to spend a year in Romans. But after finishing an 8-week study, I couldn't tell you anything I learned. So I stayed for more.
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How to Be the Most Interesting Woman in the Room
What makes your heart shine? Here's a personal invitation to shine more and become the most interesting woman in the room today.
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Your Invitation to a Good Barnstorming
What do prayer, barns, and learning to speak Spanish have in common? Here's my story of the perfect month to practice barn-storming.
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Why I Love Picnics and Why You Should Too
My dad loved a good "trunk picnic" - here's a sweet story and invitation to adopt a "picnic attitude" for life.
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Favorite Back to School Reminders for You
I love the back-to-school season. Here are a few of my favorite encouraging thoughts for the year ahead.
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My 3 Favorite Decisions (So Far)
What are some of the best decisions you've made? Here are my favorite three so far.
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My Three Favorite Posts
This end of the school year always invites me to ask "what did I learn this year?" Three favorite posts share some highlights.
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Would You Call Your Feet Beautiful?
Where are your feet taking you today? Here's my story of being up to good wherever my feet fall.
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What I’m (Still) Learning from Eating Mostly Plants
Its been two years since my husband and I challenged each other to eat mostly plants. Here's what we have learned so far on the journey.
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It's Not Me, It's You
A recent sermon challenged my thinking with the idea, "it's not about me." Even though I didn't like it, it changed me.
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Unlikely Wisdom from Your Houseplants
Wisdom sometimes comes from unlikely places - like your houseplants. Here's what I'm learning from the fern in the corner.
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Finding True Grace Under a Tent In Haiti
When I asked God to pierce my heart, He answered with an adventure to Haiti. Here's how my prayer was answered in an unexpected way.
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What Are These Days For You?
What's new? Does this question unnerve you like it sometimes does me? Here's my story about how I am working on seeing it differently.
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Your Invitation to Make Friends with Winter
Even though it's not easy - there is a lot to love about winter. Here are some thoughts to encourage you to make friends with winter.
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