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50 Cheery Winter Things
What's cheering you on? I decided to make a list of all the life-giving winter things to remind myself of what's good no matter the season.
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Good Things I've Been Reading (and Cooking) Lately
Winter is meant for puttering - a little of this and that. Especially perusing a few good books - here are my winter favs.
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The Best Conversation Starter
What's your "go to" question for making small talk? Here's a fun story to consider taking your conversations to a more authentic place.
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The Story of Happy Oranges
What could a smiley face on an orange do? Turns out, it became a reminder to a sweet girl that she was seen and loved.
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My Favorite Winter Posts
How's your winter? Whether you're dreaming of spring or loving fierce weather, it's a perfect time for finding ways to be present to it all.
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What's Saving Your Life Right Now? 2023 Edition
As we are halfway through winter, a favorite blogger invites asking the question, "what's saving your life right now?" Here's my answer.
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A Bunch of Cozy Stuff for You
What would make your winter cozier? Taking a page from my friend Joe, here are a bunch of cozy things for inspiration.
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What Do You Need to Flourish this Winter?
What do you need to flourish this winter? For me - books! Re-reading a winter favorite that invites caring for ourselves well.
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What's Saving Your Life Right Now?
What's saving your life right now? Now that we are deep into the winter season, it's the perfect time to remember the life-giving things.
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Your Invitation to Make Friends with Winter
Even though it's not easy - there is a lot to love about winter. Here are some thoughts to encourage you to make friends with winter.
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