January started with a knock-my-socks-off cold.
No resolutions or themes or sweet words of the year for me. Instead, the year began with consuming shocking amounts of cold medicine and Kleenex instead of champagne and sparkly resolutions.
Right now you may be wondering what this has to do with ordinary lovely things. Here's the funny thing, all while I was spending the better part of 10 days (or maybe 20) trying to right myself, a strange question kept popping up in my head.
"What if this is a gift?"
Truly I wanted to punch that thought. At first. But it kept coming. As I was taking slow walks trying to will myself well, it kept lingering. While madly making batches of broth with immune-boosting powders and ridiculous amounts of vegetables, that thought kept sneaking around in my head. It simply would not go away.
So here's where I landed: When we are sick, it requires us to get down to the base level of ourselves. When I don't look good, don't feel good, can't prop or consume or distract or numb out or busy myself into getting beyond the surface, it demands me to know deeply who I am down to the bones. And when you get to the truest version of yourself, that is probably the most authentic way to begin the year. In a word, it might be a gift. The true gift is how lovely it feels to finally feel well.
Back to My January Ordinary Lovely Things
Since I've already spent so much time ranting about my sick authentic gift stuff, I'll make this quick. Each month I take a minute to ask myself a few check-in questions. Truly the foundational stuff in my heart. Here are my check-ins below, but I invite you to make your own version:
Scripture on My Heart...
Psalm 139, never forgetting I'm loved beyond measure, even when I'm the worst version of myself.
I Remember...
Good health is a gift. Never take it for granted.
I Pray...
I can remember my down-to-the-bones authentic self and allow it to shape my days.
I Hope To....
Allow January to be a replenishment month. To invite the winter season as an opportunity to spend more time in prayer, scripture, and deepening relationships with those in my life. I'm starting to deeply understand that good relationships are the secret sauce of life.
I Celebrate...
My birthday on January 24 - turning double nickels! Happy Birthday to me!
What About You?
What are your Ordinary January Lovely Things? If you don't like my prompts, make up your own to capture this month. If you enjoyed these questions and would like them on a pretty printable journal page - please enjoy my free download of these questions below. Happy New Year!
PS How long do we keep saying Happy New Year? I guess I'm going to keep saying it seems strange to say it.
Ordinary lovely things?: I am studying the word and applying it to my life each day. Doing a study on moving forward and letting to of the ‘rememberings of who I was” and focusing on who the Lord is making me each day….staying in His word, which for me is the only absolute truth this world has…praying that more will find and seek His truth as the days move on…I have been given the gift of life…what I do with it is my gift to Him...
Yes, yes! to these ordinary things and ordinary days. They are a gift. ♡