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14 Encouraging Practices For You

Writer: Cara McLauchlanCara McLauchlan

Updated: Jan 28

My favorite thing to share is encouragement.

As we head into the busy season, here are a few ideas to care for your heart. Maybe you do these already, maybe not. But consider them friendly reminders for exceptional care of you. We all need reminding that there is goodness in the world, and it starts within each of us.

14 Encouraging Practices for You

  1. Savor the Quiet in Gratitude.

    Spend the first moments of your day in quiet. Rest in the nothingness and allow yourself time to simply be.

  2. Renew Your Mind.

    My habit is "Word before World" - which means I like to read something encouraging in the Bible to start the day. It may be a sentence, it may be more, but it always gives me something good to start the day.

  3. Cover Everything in Prayer.

    Prayer is different for me every day - it could be quiet listening, sometimes it's journaling requests, or perhaps prayers spoken out loud like I'm having a conversation with a friend. When I have no words or I don't know what it pray, I listen to others pray. Two of my favorites are Pray As You Go and the Quiet Collection. My day is always better when I pray first.

  4. Pour Out.

    If I'm feeling jumbly in my thoughts, journaling is a gift to clarify what's truly on my mind. Pouring out on paper provides much-needed relief and surrender.

  5. Talk it Out.

    Nothing heals a heavy heart more than taking a walk with trusted friends. Sharing my feelings and getting wise feedback helps me get perspective and reminds me I'm not alone.

  6. Move, Even When You Don't Feel Like It.

    When I'm feeling down, the last thing I want to do is exercise. But if I can show up, the hard work is already done. Move your body in any way you can - at the gym, a walk down the street, a workout class, a dance party in the kitchen, or up and down your stairs. Just move.

  7. Read Beautiful Things.

    Create a loving book pile of only the best stuff. Trade with a friend, visit your library, or revisit all your favorites. Fill your mind with beautiful things.

  8. Make Something.

    There is something soothing about creating with your hands. I personally love making homemade bread or rolls and sharing them with others. Find something to make that inspires you - artsy, crafty, foodie, sweets, or seasonal decorations. Just play.

  9. Serve Right Where You Are.

    Serving doesn't need to be complicated. What can you do that is right in front of you? Return someone's grocery cart, pick up trash on the ground, help a friend, do the smallest act of service right where your feet are. Repeat.

  10. Take a Rest.

    Sometimes we need to get away from the world. Even if we don't sleep, close your eyes and rest. Give yourself permission for a personal timeout when you need it.

  11. Make Nature Breaks a Habit.

    Spending time in nature doesn't always have to be a 5-mile hike. Sit outside for five minutes or while you are having lunch. Notice the color of the leaves, how the air and the light are different. Before bed, step outside and look up. Nature is everywhere and waiting for you.

  12. Gather.

    Having people to do life with can be one of the most loving things you can do for yourself. Sometimes this requires you to do the inviting for dinner, coffee, or gathering others. Be brave and do all you can to welcome others into your life by building meaningful friendships. The blessing of deep friendship is so worth it.

  13. Honor Sabbath.

    My husband and I make it a point to make our Sundays special. Our only rule is that it has to be about faith and fun - no chores, work, or errands. Usually, this looks like church and then lunch afterward, followed by an evening of downtime and rest. We don't always get this right, but when we do, it's the loveliest way to close out the weekend.

  14. Love Anyways.

    There are so many ways to be offended these days. But what if you loved anyway? Be a culture rebel and decide to be the most loving and grace-filled person you know.


1 Comment

Nov 14, 2024

I love this. So doable and necessary for me this time of year especially. Thanks ♡

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