Beautiful Christmas Photo from my talented and posh friend, Debby Hudson on Unsplash
I think it's safe to say Christmas gifts aren't only for December 25.
Here are three treats for you to encourage you this holiday season. Wishing you and your families health, peace and joy!
This Winter Wellness printable is from my beautiful and talented stepdaughter Kelly at Eat Live Second Nature. Kelly, in her passionate and energetic style, shares some amazing wisdom on taking care of yourself well this holiday season. I can't wait to try her Cranberry Rosemary Digestive Mocktail recipe (plus that's just fun to say.)
2. PEACE - Treasure a Moment of Peace – Pray as You Go App
My friend Sandy introduced me to the beautiful meditations from the Pray as You Go app. I love the sacred music, readings, and prayers given daily. I find myself turning it on when I’m running errands or on when I'm in the car to invite calm in the midst of the busy days.
3. JOY -- Two Minutes of Christmas Inspiration
This Christmas Inspiration Video shares some of the most inspiring words about Christmas from literary, historical, and theological figures. A lovely encouragement for the season.
Thanks for journeying with me this holiday season - praying you will be blessed and share those blessings abundantly in 2022.
Treats indeed! Thank you.