Lately I've been treating myself like a well-cared for child.
This means taking a hot bath, putting on my pajamas, and retreating early to my bedroom for reading and downtime with a cozy blanket. Here in the political swing state of North Carolina, there is no escaping the constant pummeling of news and toxic ads. A girl just needs a break.
Instead of a steady diet of more news and drama, I decided to take a break and pick up more books. Slowly reading something encouraging is probably a better use of my time. I'm full up on news -- now it's time to fill up on nourishment for the heart instead.
If you too are finding it all too much, may I kindly suggest heading to the library and finding something beautiful to feast your eyes upon. Here are a few ideas of what I've been enjoying lately.
You had me at Paris. This fiction novel has a little bit of everything - fashion, food, and a young lady's transformative adventure in 1980s Paris. I love reading Ruth Reichl's books, both fiction and non-fiction. You may remember her as the editor of Gourmet Magazine. This is a book to get lost in the flavors and experiences of being a tourist in Paris. Not deep or serious, just pure fun.
This book is as beautiful as it is inspirational. Sally is the wise grandmother and huggable mentor I wish I had. She shares heartfelt encouragement, seasonal recipes, stories and beautiful pictures of some of the sweetest tea times I'd love to have. A quick book to peruse if you simply want something short and beautiful to cheer your heart. A reminder that welcoming others for a cup of tea might be exactly what our world needs right now.
If you have ever wondered what alcohol does scientifically in the body, this is a fascinating read. This deep dive into the science of alcohol invites you to think twice about that simple glass of wine or beer. A good book to take in before all the holiday party invites fill up your mailbox. This compelling and convicting read demonstrates what we probably already know -- alcohol isn't doing our bodies any favors.
This book feels like one big healthy pep talk. If you need a pump-up on what your life needs to achieve better health, this is it. Be warned, most of the book is about "working out like it's your full-time job." But both authors make a spicy challenge out of shaking up your health routine for the better. They also have spinoff books with the same "younger" title for men, exercise, journals, and back health. A virtual cornucopia of ways to be younger next year (if you want.)
If you feel a bit lost in life's circumstances or waiting for things to be different, this is a helpful read. I first came to love Ruth Chou Simons from her stunning artwork. In this book, she shares much of her story of feeling lost during the child-rearing years and wondering about God's plans for her life. A loving reminder that sometimes the seasons where we feel the most insignificant are where God does the deepest work.
What about you?
What lovely reads are you gathering for when you need a break? Now is the perfect time to create a loving stash of good reads for your personal pile of brain nourishment. Treat yourself to your own rejuvenating story time to replenish your heart.
I have my eye on a couple of these. Thanks for this timely post.
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