How's your winter going?
Now that we are well past the halfway point of winter, it feels like a good time for a check-in. For me, I've been busy in future mode, planning and working ahead on stuff, but not really present to the"right now."
"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." Jim Elliott The Well Watered Woman, page 93
In honor of making it halfway through winter and Jim Elliott's wise words, here are a few posts about being all there. Maybe you are already good at this or maybe you are like me, in need of a gentle reminder. Wherever you are, hoping you can live it to the hilt.
My Favorite Winter Posts
If you need reminding life is lived in the ordinary moments...
If you need some ideas on how to make friends with winter...
If you need reminding of everyday joy....
Read "Where Are You Finding Joy in Everyday Places?"