Summer is perfect for falling in love. Here's what I'm into this season - or what I'm calling my "little summer loves." These are a few simple things that have given me great joy this month.
1. There's Something Green in Your Glass - Getting Creative With Garden Herbs
I have had a bounty of herbs that I wasn't sure what to do with (I'm looking at you lemongrass). I didn't want them to go to waste, so I started putting little clippings into my water bottle, lemonade, and sparkling sodas. Not only does it make me feel like I'm visiting a spa, but it makes all my summer beverages taste like a new discovery. Try adding basil, mint, thyme, lavender, rosemary, or any of your favorite garden herbs to a summer beverage. So good.
If you want some additional ideas, check out "How to Make Herbal Infusions" as a quick reference.
2. Clean Your Plate! Learning to Be a Good Food Steward
I've been on a mission to use up every bit of food in my kitchen. With the crazy costs of groceries, I'm challenging myself not to waste anything. Not only is it a fun cooking experiment, I'm feeling "food virtuous" for not wasting anything. Trimmings from onions, carrots, and celery can be frozen and used for stock. Cucumber peels, orange rinds, or used lemons can be zests for salad dressings. With a little creativity, using up all your food is a fun challenge.
Here's a great article about "10 Ways to Eat Your Pantry All the Way to the End."
3. Get Out - Be a Tourist in Your Own Town
It feels like everyone is itching to get out of town right now. But with everything costing more, travel is a bit painful in the pocket. As I was heading home one day, on a whim I stopped at a local farm I've always wanted to visit. I spent time admiring their local chicken coop and boutique market. With a honey almond latte in hand, I walked around their sweet herb and flower gardens. It felt like I was miles from home and had landed in a little slice of heaven. Mini getaways are so easy in your hometown, but it requires being open to discovering them.
For inspiration, here's a little article on "8 Ways to Be a Tourist in Your Own City.'
What little lovelies are you enjoying this summer? The smallest things can yield great joy when we allow them to work their way into our hearts.
This is great, Cara!