I recently came across my own perfect summer day recipe I had written several years ago. I loved it so much, I thought I would share it with you. Not for you to follow, but more for the encouragement to create your own.
My Recipe for a Perfect Summer Day
(in hopes that it inspires you too)
Sleep in.
Have coffee outside on a breezy warm sunshiney morning.
Speak only to the dog.
Go for a long lovely walk to the lake.
Listen to a great podcast or good music or nothing at all.
Go slow. Notice your breath. Take deeper ones.
Make a decadent breakfast. Fried corn fritters with pearled sugar today.
More coffee. Put on a swimsuit without judgment. Stay in it all day.
Take breaks from reading to float in pool.
Nap if so inclined. Read and journal some more.
Listen to jazz all day. Chris Botti to be exact.
Make something lovely and comforting in the slow cooker.
Ignore your phone. Or try to.
Make something delicious to drink. Mashed mint, peaches, and ginger ale over ice in a mason jar glass sounds good.
Get back in the pool. Stare at the sky. Float on pool floats.
Wonder why you haven't done this before today.
Reapply sunscreen. Refill mason jar. Stir slow cooker.
More reading, journaling.
Be in awe of how little you accomplished. today.
Contemplate dinner of grilled corn, grilled peaches, and anything else that can be grilled.
Notice clouds and gentle breeze.
Be extremely grateful for the perfect summer day and that you didn't miss it.
What about you? What's your recipe for a perfect summer day?
Here's your kind encouragement to create your summery recipe. Not to check box some wishes, but more to ask yourself to consider what you truly need to flourish this season.
Love this! Some of these are on my summer day recipe but I fail to acknowledge it and that's something I'm going to work on changing. Thank you ♡