Someone once told me the best test for whether you should pursue something is the question, "does it make your toes curl?"
This test works for a soul mate, good meals, books, and all the things you love in life. Writing and spending time with words always has made my toes curl, even though I often struggle. Recently I was looking back over my first blog post many years ago and I'm reminded how much fun it is to be a beginner. I loved the excitement of starting, the grace to not know it all, and the challenge of doing something you love. No matter how humble the beginning, there is wonder in the daring.
With fear in my heart, I put out those simple, heartfelt words in hopes that they landed where they were needed. Reading them now I'm reminded of the power of setting off on something you love, no matter how woefully inadeaqute you think you are. More importantly, how much fun you can have with a beginner's heart.
Beginners Hold the Secret Sauce
Even though I've been writing for a bit of time, I don't think I'll ever feel like anything more than a diligent amateur. My hope is to always have something going where I am always a beginner. Currently, in addition to being a beginning writer, I'm also a beginner orchid grower, vegetable gardener (see above!), golfer, and soup maker.
Aren't beginners the most fun people to be around? Newbies inherently possess the charm of going after something they love without having to look good or appear smart. We show up with hopes in hand and go after the curious passion.
In the spirit of humble beginnings, here's my first post from long ago to remind you of the beauty of trying out something you love.
What will you do with this day?
“Tell me, what it is you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?” This is the amazing and powerful last line of the poem by Mary Oliver, The Summer Day.
Will you see this day as a long list of busy tasks like email, social media, work, dinner, exercise? Or will you see it like Mary Oliver — one wild and precious life?
I long for more wild and precious. I want to hold this day as if it is a lucky penny, a moment like no other, a day never to be had again.
I ask myself – what is one thing I can do to make today different? I can be more present. I can do the hard things first. I can listen. I can do less talking. I can pray first. I can do the thing where I'm reminded of being a lovely beginner.
My hope is that today you stop and really see this wild and precious life. Find a way to treasure it all, one ordinary day at time.
Where Would You Like to Be a Beginner Today?
Keep going, keep pursuing the things you love. No matter how humble or heartfelt. Beginners are the coolest people there are. Be one today.