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Writer's pictureCara McLauchlan

My Sweetest Back to School Encouragement for You

This back-to-school season, I'm finding myself in unfamiliar territory.

With no one in our home heading back to any sort of school, it's strange days. For someone who homeschooled for a decade and loved this season in particular, I'm feeling a bit lost.

Don't get me wrong, it is a beautiful thing to be an empty nester. I love the extra bandwidth to pursue life, be more available to my husband and friends, and dream up new dreams. This season might be my favorite one yet. With all that said, I'm sharing a few sweet thoughts from "the other side" for those sending their kids off to school.

My Sweetest Back-to-School Encouragement for You

Take a Moment to Take it All In.

Believe or not, this season will one day come to an end. Take some time to notice and capture all of it. Notice the blessings, the challenges, the way your kid's face is changing ever so slightly this year. All of it will be gone in a whisper and too soon you will be longing for these days. Take some time simply to rest in where your child is right now and all that this year holds for them.

Trust that the Imperfections Are Exactly What is Needed.

When my kid got the difficult teacher or the worst schedule or didn't get the thing I so desperately wanted for him, I used to make myself a hot mess. Looking back, I see how all those things refined him into becoming more resilient, diligent, and empathetic. All those hard things were tiny gifts meant to shape and refine him into the confident, good human he was becoming. Trust that those challenges are exactly what is needed.

Remind Your Kid How Much They Are Loved (and that you are not perfect).

The new year brings new uncertainties for our kids. I figured out too late that my son never thought I ever made mistakes or screwed up. Also, even though I told him often that he was loved, I don't think I said it enough. Our kids need desperately to know parents are not perfect people and we love them no matter if they get good grades, fit in with the wonder kids, or make the team. Remind your child often of the messy, loving depths of your heart. Especially that imperfections will ultimately become some of the best parts of being a human.

Honor This Milestone In Some Way.

What do I miss most about the school years? Piles of boys' tennis shoes at my front door! Because those piles meant that the "movie night guys" were gathered upstairs to laugh, sometimes watch movies, eat gobs of pizza, and make my house a mess. Back-to-school season usually kicked off in our home with get-togethers with friends. Find ways to celebrate this sweet season - whether it's gathering friends for pizza, getting the triple scoop of ice cream together, or making their favorite meal. Treasure the moment in whatever feels lovely for your family.

What About You? How Will You Back to School with Your Family or Neighbors?

Whether this back to school is your first or last, find a way to honor it well. Or if you don't have any kids, consider how you can bless or celebrate kids in your circle. We only get a handful of seasons, let's be all in to do it in style and love. If you call yourself a Christ-follower, my invitation is to also pray boldly over your child's days ahead that they would follow hard after God all of the days of their life.

This Back to School Season Will Only Come This Way One Time. My invitation is to find your style to make this a blessed and beautiful start to the year ahead.


And for the Homeschooling Families, Here are a couple of my favorite posts about homeschooling below if you find yourself in this camp.

An encouraging word on a supportive mindset to start the school year or good for when you doubt yourself in the homeschooling journey.

This is what I would tell you over coffee if we sat down together and you asked me what are my most important key takeaways so far.

The Best Reminder About Why This Season Is Important to Cover with Love

This article is truly not actual advice -- just a reminder to love our kids and be present to them as they launch into the new school year ahead.

An excerpt from my book, Nourish, on a few thoughts about making your homeschool ecosystem a reflection of your family.

This is a story about how I came to see homeschooling more than getting an education. A simple story about how homeschooling can be part of a mission field of raising up a generation of young people with a heart for God.


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