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Writer's pictureCara McLauchlan

What I Learned This Summer & My Summer's End Picnic Menu

Remember the oldy goldy back to school essay, "what I learned on summer vacation?"

That was such a classic move. Not only did it give an hour of blissed quiet time, it forced me to dig deep to find something meaningful. That was a hard ask for a middle schooler. Recently, I was thinking about this question from a grown up place - what did I learn this summer? Here's where I landed:

1.Feast Whenever & Wherever You Can.

Recently we gathered with friends and neighbors for a bonfire and a good ole-fashioned weenie roast. The weather was terrible but no one cared. The food was nothing fancy (weenies and popcorn!) But the company was spectacular and food always tastes amazing cooked on an open flame. It was a reminder to me that sometimes simply showing up in love makes for the best gatherings.

2. Letting Go Can Be Beautiful.

In July my son got married and if I'm honest, it was pretty emotional times leading up to that moment. But I was overwhelmed with wonder watching the couple glow with the tender love for each other and for the Lord. What a joy to be part of that kind of authentic love -- I can't wait to see how God works in their hearts in the days ahead. Releasing my son to the greater plans of the Lord felt good, true, and beautiful.

3. Go Ahead and Dream New Dreams.

Now that empty nester season is in full force, this summer felt almost like a Golden Ticket to go ahead and dream new dreams. In prior seasons, I spent a lot of time ruminating on what was missing. This season invited fresh new thoughts for opportunities and passions to explore. Maybe I'm in this wide open space because it's time or because I'm finally giving myself permission. Whatever it is, I am thrilled about the new possibilities bubbling up in my heart.

What About You? What Did You Learn This Summer?

What three things did you take away from this summer? What were your favorite highlights and memories? Whether you had a weenie roast or you simply stared up a the velvet blanket of stars overhead, my encouragement is to consider what goodness is happening in your life as you wrap up the summer days.

PS . And, If You Didn't Find a Way to Celebrate the End of the Season....

May I kindly suggest that you consider a Summer's End Picnic gathered with people you love. If you need some inspirational ideas, here are two of my favorite posts about picnics, complete with links to recipes below.


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1 Comment

Aug 29

Love this, Cara.

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